About Us

Renquark Private limited is a world known leading energy solutions provider, specializing in high performance photovoltaics module and solar thermal technologies and great energy solutions. In our very core, we are go by a various team that's dedicated to innovations and is obsessed on creating solutions to resolve one amongst the largest problems in nation and green energy management.

Our team at Renquark combines years of energy technical expertise and a deep knowledge and understanding of all of the various forms of Energy Resources available. We attempt a thorough assessment and acquire accomplices on a case by case basis to help convey the most ideal energy framework for clients.


  • Fabricate a top notch arrangement of environmentally friendly power resources and be at the top all around the world.
  • Lead the energy change by giving creative solutions for our clients.
  • Construct a culture of greatness by effective and safe execution of every one of our undertakings.


"Execute perfect and sustainable Energy projects in different countries on the world, through inventive and valuable creation measures, agreed with natural affirmation and along these lines the headway of the organizations where we work.

Through its specialists, expert team, and experience, the association makes successful energies and impact interest in the public eye."

Why Solar?

Free electricity

Going solar radically decreases your current bill in any case. Inside a brief timeframe, your bills could drop down to just about nothing. Solar is a one-time investment with an ensured life of
25 years.

Smart decision

Try not to consider solar energy a cost, consider them a protected, exceptional yield investment. With gigantic returns that including 7 saving expenses to a chance to try and bring in cash from your electricity.

Environmental friendly

A tremendous positive effect of going sunlight based is the huge decrease in CO2 discharges, the main source of environmental change.

Increase property value

Exploration has shown that property holders who have embraced solar power, have expanded the valuation of their property when contrasted with different property holders.

No risk of electricity bill hike

From low energy expenses to practically no energy costs, you will be protected against conceivably colossal electricity bills and expanding tariffs.

No more power outage

With Solar, it's consistently lights on. Electricity shortage of power cuts will presently turn into a relic of days gone by. Solar energy is reliable, and consistently accessible when you need it.